
Message in a bottle is a simple idea which allows emergency information to be kept in a small plastic bottle which is easily and quickly found by the Emergency Services in an emergency.

The scheme was introduced in 2002 in Oxfordshire on a county-wide basis, and well over 70,000 bottles have been issued since. The idea was then picked up by Lions clubs nationally.

The process is simple:

    • Collect you bottle from your GP, Chemist or request directly from a Lions club
    • Complete the form with the details requested
    • Add a copy of your latest repeat prescription
    • If you have a DNACPR* form, place the tear off slip in the bottle*
    • Place the bottle in your fridge
    • Place one of the sticky labels on the INSIDE of the main door to you premises
    • Place the other sticky label on the door of your fridge
    • Relax!

*DNACPR – Do Not Attempt Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation – a process agreed between you, your family and your doctor where CPR is not appropriate – essential guidance for the Ambulance Service to ensure your wishes are followed.

Message in a Bottle is free to the user and is funded by Lions clubs, where organisations become heavy users of the Bottles ie: NHS, or age related charities then a donation is sought.

For more details, or to request new bottles, please contact us.