European Adaptive Carp Championship – 4th-6th August

Club Notice

European Adaptive Carp Championship

We have been asked if we can provide food for the anglers and spectators at this first event of it’s kind to be held at the Linear Fisheries, Oxlease Lake from Friday 4th until Sunday 6th August. We have been informed that teams from all over Europe will be taking part in this competition for disabled anglers – please let Lion Laura know tour availability.

Business Meeting Monday 3rd July 2023- Agenda
Business Meeting – Monday 3rd July 2023, 19:30 – Agenda
PLEASE NOTE – This meeting has been brought ford by 1 week, due to Witney Carnival.
If you are not a Member or a Friend of Witney Lions, but would like to see what we do, either come along to The Blue Boar, Bosworth Suite or request a Zoom link.
Whichever you decide, please contact to let her know you wish to attend.